Vattennivå (RH2000)

Onshore power supply for vessels at Boliden’s terminal in Port of Gävle

Gävle Hamn AB has been granted support from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (via Klimatklivet) to offer onshore power supply at one of the quays (Sligkajen) from the summer of 2022. The initiative is implemented in collaboration with Boliden, which uses the terminal for storage and transport of concentrates from Garpenberg. The investment will greatly reduce emissions for the vessels that frequent the quay.

Port of Gävle, one of Sweden’s largest ports, has the largest container terminal on the east coast. Energy-optimised port cluster 2030 is a 10-year program with the main goal of the Gävle port cluster to meet the CO2 reduction and energy efficiency requirements which are in line with the Paris Agreement.  As part of this Port of Gävle, as the largest hub for freight in Central Sweden, will help lower barriers and act as an enabler to use renewable fuels and fossil-free electricity.

By providing an onshore power supply for vessels at berth, the vessels can keep the help engines turned off when docked at port. Carbon dioxide emissions are substantially decreased, and emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide are reduced to a minimum. Onshore power also ensures a quieter port environment and a better working environment for both crew and staff working on the quay.

The preconditions for onshore power supply for vessels at quays depend on the frequency of recurring calls by the same ship, the length of stay, uncertainties in international standards and the cost of rebuilding ships and quays. Depending on these factors, it has so far mainly been ports with ferry, cruise and ro-ro traffic that have had the opportunity to offer onshore power supply and where there has been interest in receiving onshore power supply from the shipping companies.

– We have with keen interest followed the international development for the segments we have in Gävle, which are container, bulk, project loads and tankers. Boliden has a stable flow of goods via Port of Gävle with more than 60 ship calls per year. We are proud to now be able to offer onshore power supply for these ships, says Niklas Hermansson, Head of Traffic and Safety in Gävle Hamn AB.

– The changeover to a more sustainable freight transport is a challenge with long logistics chains and many players. Collaboration is required to meet the climate goals. Boliden has a commitment to sustainable transport and it feels great to be able to collaborate with them on the conversion of an entire flow, says Linda Astner, Head of Sustainability at Gävle Hamn AB.

For more information, please contact:

Niklas Hermansson, Head of Traffic and Safety, Gävle Hamn AB, 004670-418 75 57,

Linda Astner, Head of Sustainability, Gävle Hamn AB, 004670-623 38 41, linda.astner@gh_gavlehamn

Gävle hamn

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