Vattennivå (RH2000)

New collaboration opens for hydrogen investment in Port of Gävle

Port of Gävle, Gävle Energi and Statkraft have signed an agreement to investigate the possibilities of creating a hydrogen plant in the port of Gävle.
Electricity from sun and wind cannot be stored. But when an excess of electricity prevails, this can be converted to hydrogen. The hydrogen gas can then be stored for use when there is a shortage of electricity. The use of hydrogen gas does not cause any other emissions than water vapor.

The companies will jointly investigate the possibility of establishing a plant for the production of green hydrogen, installing intermediate storage facilities and establishing a gas station. The hydrogen gas can then be used when needed or distributed and sold to external buyers.
– This is one of several opportunities for Port of Gävle to be able to offer its operators and customers a long-term sustainable port operation, says Fredrik Svanbom, CEO of Port of Gävle.
A feasibility study is now being started and is expected to be completed after the summer of 2020. It will clarify the practical, commercial and legal conditions and result in a decision basis for a possible investment. The following practical conditions must be investigated; the location of the facilities, access to electricity and water, water quality, sewerage and the need for grid capacity. The investigation will also clarify what can be done with the excess heat that will be generated from the production.

– We look forward to seeing this kind of collaboration take place in Port of Gävle. To work together to contribute to a green transition for, among other things, the transport industry, is a natural development and a frutiful way of working, says Malin Eriksson, marketing manager Gävle Energi.

The project will also forecast a possible future consumption of hydrogen gas by inventing which vehicles and other energy consumers can be converted to fuel with hydrogen gas.

– Statkraft is Europe’s largest supplier of renewable energy and we believe that renewable hydrogen will be crucial in achieving carbon-free transport in the future. This project increases opportunities for such development by contributing in the transformation to a fossil-free transport sector, says Per Rosenqvist, responsible for Business Development hydrogen in Statkraft in Sweden.

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