Vattennivå (RH2000)

Autonomous vehicles in Port of Gävle

During the autumn of 2020, the technology company Semcon will investigate how transport flows in Port of Gävle can be made more efficient. The survey is conducted in a feasibility study for Port of Gävle’s terminal operator Yilport. With the help of an autonomous vehicle, logistics processes can be automated where the reduction costs at the same time as both safety and quality are required.
Autonomous vehicles enable logistics processes to be automated. This optimizes operational costs while also contribute to improved safety, quality and traceability. The logistics process that initially will be investigated is the transport of containers by truck from container warehouses to the docks where they are lifted by crane onto ships. Part of the study will be to find a solution on how to use autonomous vehicles in conjunction with other traffic.
By monitoring all parts of the process, costs, needs and challenges, Semcon will be able to understand the process in depth. Thereafter they will deliver a requirements specification, concept solution and business case to YILPORT.
“It’s important for us to always be at the forefront of technological advances in order to offer our customers effective solutions. Automation in ports is common, but no one has really come up with a solution to get it to work in conjunction with other traffic, and in this Semcon is at the cutting edge”, says Håkan Bergström, Sales Director at YILPORT Nordic.

Utforska hamnen med hela familjen

Gratis buss, rälsbuss- och båtturer till hamnområdet. För små sjörövare finns teater, ansiktsmålning och fiskdamm. Testa vår ham(n)burgare! Ingen landkrabba ska behöva gå hungrig. Utforska hamnens framtida innovationsarbete, lyssna på föredrag och se fotoutställning. Det bjuds på nygräddade kanelbullar, tårta, godis och lokalt kaffe.