Vattennivå (RH2000)


Here you can find a summary of the current status of this website regarding the global accessability guidelines, as well as general exceptions to these guidelines. Please read more below.

How accessible is this website?

This website partly abides by the guidelines of accessability for digital public services. We are continuously working to improve this accessability. Steps have been taken to make sure that the navigation, links, colors and other factors, follow the AA level of general accessability.

Known shortfalls regarding to accessability

WCAG A 2.4.1
– A warning regarding a missing skip-to-content link at the top of the website.
This is currently not supported by the current web framework.
– A warning regarding a missing link at the start of every block for skipping entire blocks at once.
This is currently not supported by the current web framework.

§12 Accessability exceptions

WCAG A 1.1.1
– The webpage for energioptimerat hamnkluster will not be made more accessible, due to the page mainly consisting of images and documents that can not be manipulated via the browser or any form of website editorial software.

– PDF documents found on this website will not be made into more accessible web versions. These documents are of course available for download to use with any optional screen readers and software.

In accordance with the guidelines, you are free to contact us if you need this information presented to you in a more accessible manner.

WCAG AA 1.4.5
– Some images currenly lack titles or descriptions 
Due to the large amount of images in our media library, this is a work in progress that has not been completed as to this date.

Contact us if you:

  • Need any content from this website presented to you in a more accesible way
  • Find accesibility problems that you wish to notify us of
  • Have complaints about any shortfalls regarding accessibility

How we tested this website

This website has been accessibility tested by external third parties, both manually and by automated software.

Automated software used to test this website:

Access Monitor Plus

Google Lighthouse Accessability

This accessability document was updated 21 Juni 2021. 

Official contact

If you find our response to your accessibility concerns to be lacking, you are allowed to contact the Agency for Digital Governent.

Utforska hamnen med hela familjen

Gratis buss, rälsbuss- och båtturer till hamnområdet. För små sjörövare finns teater, ansiktsmålning och fiskdamm. Testa vår ham(n)burgare! Ingen landkrabba ska behöva gå hungrig. Utforska hamnens framtida innovationsarbete, lyssna på föredrag och se fotoutställning. Det bjuds på nygräddade kanelbullar, tårta, godis och lokalt kaffe.