Vattennivå (RH2000)

Sweden’s third largest container terminal inaugurated

Close to 100 people gathered to celebrate the East Coasts already largest container terminal – now twice as large.

”An opportunity for Sweden to become even more competitive in the world market.”
The ceremony was opened by Minister of Infrastructure Tomas Eneroth in an important speech on what the investment and expansion of the container terminal means for Sweden by making the increase in capacity for imports and exports even greater.

”With the capacity of the new container terminal going from 250 000 TEU to 600 000 TEU, it is the largest investment in history of the port of Gävle”, said Fredrik Svanbom, CEO Port of Gävle.
The investment of almost one billion SEK is a long-term investment of the next 20 to 30 years. With the new cranes, reaching a hight of 125 metres, and the expanded capacity, Port of Gävle can receive larger vessels to be unloaded with more goods. The goods in the port is then imported and distributed throughout central Sweden or exported from Port of Gävle to all over the world.

During the inauguration, the new cranes were named Oden, Tor and Frej. Not only after the Gods in Nordic Mythology, but also after the tugboats that were in service at the Port of Gävle during the 50-, 60-and 70 century.
”Oden, Tor and Frej are back in the port”, said Hans Wahlström, chairman of the board of Gävle Hamn AB, ”This time, at new heights”.

Utforska hamnen med hela familjen

Gratis buss, rälsbuss- och båtturer till hamnområdet. För små sjörövare finns teater, ansiktsmålning och fiskdamm. Testa vår ham(n)burgare! Ingen landkrabba ska behöva gå hungrig. Utforska hamnens framtida innovationsarbete, lyssna på föredrag och se fotoutställning. Det bjuds på nygräddade kanelbullar, tårta, godis och lokalt kaffe.