Vattennivå (RH2000)

Swedens northernmost food inspection facility has officially opened

This fall a new era started at Port of Gävle when the 500 square meter large facility opened. The CEO of Yilport Nordic Eryn Dinyovszky held an informative review about why the project started and how significant it will be for the future of Port of Gävle.

– This is an important step for us to stay relevant to importers and shipping companies. Since the biggest population lives in the south of Sweden, it also means that most of the imported food enters the country in that region. But now the area between Stockholm and Uppsala is growing rapidly, which gives us in Gävle the potential to grow even more with this investment, says Eryn Dinyovszky.

The inspection of food is carried out by the Swedish food agency, and the goal is to detect and exclude goods that may be a risk to human and animal health.

Everything imported into the EU from countries outside the EU is required to go through a check, but the samples are taken randomly.

The CEO of Yilport Nordic, Eryn Dinyovszky.
Outside the facility a container storage is found where up to 130 containers with frozen goods can be stored with maintained temperature up to a week.

Utforska hamnen med hela familjen

Gratis buss, rälsbuss- och båtturer till hamnområdet. För små sjörövare finns teater, ansiktsmålning och fiskdamm. Testa vår ham(n)burgare! Ingen landkrabba ska behöva gå hungrig. Utforska hamnens framtida innovationsarbete, lyssna på föredrag och se fotoutställning. Det bjuds på nygräddade kanelbullar, tårta, godis och lokalt kaffe.