Vattennivå (RH2000)

SSAB moves more of their steel exports to Port of Gävle

With an annual supplement of 500 containers from SSAB, Port of Gävle´s terminal operator Yilport Gävle, has deepened its cooperation with the Swedish steel giant. In addition to the various steel products that already occupy a completely separate section in the CFS, SSAB has chosen to now also move the stuffing of pipes for the world’s mining industries to Port of Gävle.
“It’s a good feeling that we can meet SSAB’s demands for efficient and safe handling. One reason for the choice of us was that we are already connected to SSAB’s IT system, while the former operator was still dependent on physical document handling. With our solution, the customer now has real-time control of where the products are located in the supply chain,” says terminal manager Jörgen Flank.
In order to be able to offer SSAB a completely separate section in the CFS area, other types of goods have been moved to a tent warehouse in direct connection with the CFS. A load plate has also been rebuilt to cope with the stuffing of the SSAB pipes


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