Vattennivå (RH2000)

New Traffic- and Security Manager

Niklas Hermansson is the new manager for the Traffic and Security department.

In previous news we wrote about our new sustainability manager Linda Astner. Her previous role has now been taken over by Niklas Hermansson, who now leads the same department, but under the new name Traffic and Security. The responsibilities Linda has brought with her in to her new role are first and foremost about sustainability and digital development, other issues remain with the Traffic and Security Department. Niklas department is thus given a more streamlined function and the tasks with traffic, freight, logistics and security issues are now easier to keep together than in the old organization’s “Port Authority”. Under the umbrella of the department there are, among other things, the port’s tugboat operations and the Port Traffic Office.

Niklas has a background in the private sector as a shipping agent for a 15-year period, which was a solid school to gain the basic knowledge of how the shipping industry works. In 2009, Niklas moved on to start working as a customer manager for railway companies in the public sector (Banverket / Trafikverket). He also worked in a couple of other positions within the Swedish Transport Administration, partly as a national strategic planner with a focus on issues relating to freight transport, logistics and shipping and partly as an action planner and contract coordinator within the Swedish Transport Administration’s Region Center. Niklas has worked with decision documentation for the national plan for the transport system and was responsible for the “Maritime transport” report for the orientation documentation 2018-2029. During his 10 years in government service, Niklas also participated in an EU project on inland shipping and worked as a sub-project leader in a government assignment regarding analysis of the development potential for inland and coastal shipping in Sweden and handled R&D issues in the maritime area.

“When there was a job opening in Port of Gävle in 2018, I saw the opportunity to work in a municipal port business and still with several types of traffic. I started as a logistics developer. Then after only about a year in the port the opportunity opened up to take the job as the manager of Traffic and security. It feels both exciting and challenging, after all, the leadership is a new role for me. The department has incredibly talented and ambitious employees, so a lot of the operations are almost like a self-playing piano, and that makes me feel very comfortable in the new role. Port of Gävle has a vision to become Sweden’s best port and my impression so far is that it is not far from achieving that ”


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