Vattennivå (RH2000)

Multi-million grant to Gävle Energi and Gävle Hamn AB for project carbon dioxide storage

Energy Agency has granted the two municipal companies Gävle Energi and Gävle Hamn AB financial support of SEK 2.7 million. The support will be used for a preliminary study that will investigate whether it is possible to capture, transport and temporarily store carbon dioxide in Gävle. The project may put Gävleborg on the map nationally as well as internationally.

Energy Agency assesses that the project will provide knowledge on whether it is feasible to establish a full-scale plant for the separation and transport of carbon dioxide from the biofuel-fired cogeneration Johannes in Gävle. In the long run the project can contribute to Gävle Energi achieving negative emissions, that is, removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it adds. The project will also investigate the conditions for a cooperation cluster in the region around intermediate storage and transport of carbon dioxide through Port of Gävle.

Work to contribute to net zero emissions by 2045.

BECCS is the new technology called and stands for Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage. The technology is used to capture carbon dioxide after burning biofuels and then compress the carbon dioxide into liquid form and store it underground.

– BECCS is a new technology. It will therefore be extremely interesting to do this preliminary study. We hope that it will lead to a long-term sustainable solution that will contribute to negative carbon dioxide emissions and that we will thereby contribute to reaching Sweden’s goal of net zero emissions by 2045 at the latest, says Linn Kihlström, who is business area manager for energy production at Gävle Energi.

A possible future investment in a full-scale facility, it is estimated that approximately 110,000 tons of biogenic carbon dioxide a year can be separated from the Johannes cogeneration plant.

– The green transition is in full swing in the region’s industry and Port of Gävle wants to be an enabler for actors in the region who are working towards national climate goals. Being a part of this project feels extra fun if we can contribute to our sister company reaching reduced emissions. And if we succeed creating a regional cooperation cluster, it can ultimately contribute to our entire export-heavy region becoming a carbon dioxide sink, says Linda Astner, Sustainability Manager at Gävle Hamn AB.

Fact box
– The project is carried out within the framework of Energy Agency’s “Industriklivet” initiative. “Industriklivet” aims to support industry to recuced its process-related emissions of greenhouse gases, and to achive the climate policy goals of negative emissions.
– It is Gävle Energi’s subsidiary Gävle Kraftvärme AB that has applied for support and been granted SEK 2.7 million to carry out the project relating to the separation, transport, and storage of carbon dioxide in collaboration with Port of Gävle.
– The project includes preliminary study of carbon dioxide handling and storage, which starts on January 1 and extends until December 31, 2022.

For more information please contact:
Linda Astner, Head of sustainability, Gävle Hamn AB.
Telephone: 070-623 38 41

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