Vattennivå (RH2000)

Inauguration of CFS Paper in Gävle

On August 19th the world unique automated high-bay warehouse for paper was inaugurated in the Port of Gävle. The ceremonial ribbon cutting was done by Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Trade and Minister for Nordic Affairs, Anna Hallberg.

– This is an incredibly important investment and hub for Gävle, Sweden and the world to gain access to Swedish products. I’m incredibly proud to see this building. We will be a role model for modern logistics where we have thought sustainably, long-term and for growth, said Foreign Trade Minister Anna Hallberg.

Due to the pandemic the inauguration was limited to 50 people. Present at the inauguration were mostly existing or potential customers but also politicians and journalists.

The warehouse will be operational in September with the first trains coming beginning of October.

– This will be a competitive and sustainable solution for us and our customers. We will start with paper from our Frövi mill and later we might route more volumes here, step by step said Peter Olson, Logistics Director, BillerudKorsnäs.

Paper industry is core to the Swedish economy and growing. New infrastructure for smarter logistics is needed.

– Paper is the most important commodity in our region and we believe it has a huge potential for the port. This investment is our contribution and we are confident it will be successful said Eryn Dinyovszky, General Manager of Yilport Nordic.

The CFS Paper investment is part of a larger investment plan that will see a brand-new container terminal with increased depth, three new STS cranes and six new RTG’s.

– We have a great cooperation with the port authority and the municipality in Gävle. YILPORT is a game changer and we invest in the future said Mr Robert Yüksel Yildrim, CEO and owner of YILPORT.

During the ceremony, participants could see the cranes and conveyor belts working and send rolls in and out of the warehouse. Paper rolls were simultaneously stacked by the cranes up to the maximum height of 15 meters. After all the speakers had been listened to, the visitors were divided into small groups and allowed to go on a tour of the warehouse.

During the tour, visitors got to see the warehouse up close and ask questions they had about how the warehouse works. Participants were given the opportunity to look more closely and get detailed explanations of the grippers and cranes, see how the loading takes place when paper rolls are loaded from trains to conveyor belts and then end the tour at the loading docks where they got to see how paper rolls come out of the warehouse to be stuffed in containers that are sent out to the world.

– This type of investment provides increased competitiveness for the paper industry, which is essential in central Sweden, and this in turn strengthens the region’s trade both nationally and internationally, said Fredrik Svanbom, CEO of Gävle Hamn

Hard facts

The magazine was built in around 1,5 years
Cost 200 milj SEK
Owner: Gävle Hamn AB. Operation:Yilport Nordic. Main contractor: NCC.
25 sub-contractors have worked under the main contractor NCC
10 design companies have been involved to create the design and construction of the ware house
600 m new railway into the magazine
A new electrical substation  was built for the magazine only 
Building area (the whole Magazine) 11 100 m2
CFS-area total both magazine and areas around the magazine 32 000 m2
Height of the building 25,2 m
The Magazine has it’s own fire pump-house area 50 m2
2  fully automated cranes 40 m high
Around 450 m of conveyor-belt fully automatic
Max capacity of production 26 crane moves per hour and crane
Height of piles with paper-rolls 15m
Storage capacity 40 000 tonnes
Yearly capacity750 000 tonnes
150-200 containers can be loaded from the ware house per day
5  million juice boxes fit in the magazine , and every fifth juice box in the world is produced in the region.

Utforska hamnen med hela familjen

Gratis buss, rälsbuss- och båtturer till hamnområdet. För små sjörövare finns teater, ansiktsmålning och fiskdamm. Testa vår ham(n)burgare! Ingen landkrabba ska behöva gå hungrig. Utforska hamnens framtida innovationsarbete, lyssna på föredrag och se fotoutställning. Det bjuds på nygräddade kanelbullar, tårta, godis och lokalt kaffe.