Vattennivå (RH2000)

A record number of ships calls at Port of Gävle’s quays

On May 12, Port of Gävle broke a new record for the number of ships calls during one and the same day. Three container ships and five conventionally loaded ships. A total of eight ships were anchored at various quays and were unloaded by the terminal operator.

The terminal operator Yilport Gävle made the gratifying announcement that on May 12 we broke a new record in the number of ship calls during one and the same day. In recent years, there have been large increases in volume across all types of goods. To a large extent, this is due to an advantageous location for industries in Central Sweden to export goods and an increase in sea freight. The port’s geographic location close to the city centre and with intermodal transport, goods reach their final destination with shorter truck transports and reduced carbon dioxide emissions.

In recent years, the container terminal has been expanded to double the capacity and be able to receive more ships. With the expanded container terminal, Port of Gävle can handle significantly more ships at the same time. In theory, it would be possible to operate four container ships at the same time.

Utforska hamnen med hela familjen

Gratis buss, rälsbuss- och båtturer till hamnområdet. För små sjörövare finns teater, ansiktsmålning och fiskdamm. Testa vår ham(n)burgare! Ingen landkrabba ska behöva gå hungrig. Utforska hamnens framtida innovationsarbete, lyssna på föredrag och se fotoutställning. Det bjuds på nygräddade kanelbullar, tårta, godis och lokalt kaffe.